50% Jump in connection rate


We spoke with Kim Donggyun, territory marketing manager at Philips Hue, to gain insights into their successful collaboration with Infodataplace and its significant impact on their sales and marketing endeavors.

The Challenge

Philips Hue aims to connect with Home Automation & Interior design companies, requiring a reliable data partner to source relevant data promptly

Client Requirement

Philips Hue targets Home Automation & Interior design companies, focusing on procurement and decision-makers across various departments.


Senior data analysts were assigned to the project after receiving the client’s requirements. Recognizing the niche-specific nature of the task, the team meticulously curated a custom list over 8 days. The list encompassed contacts from different states, providing data on procurement heads and Home Automation & Interior design company CEOs in the respective geographies.


The final list was thoroughly evaluated and promptly delivered to the client, ensuring a seamless experience.

Client Feedback

Through Infodataplace’ s targeted marketing approach, we successfully reached out to businesses that could benefit from our services, minimizing wasted effort. The provided data and lists offer highly accurate and detailed information. By making connections with the appropriate decision-makers at these companies, we welcomed several new clients, ultimately contributing to our business growth.


Philips Hue’s partnership with Infodataplace proved instrumental in achieving its sales and marketing goals. By leveraging accurately curated data, they reached their target audience efficiently and experienced substantial growth in their connection rates. InfoDataPlace’ S commitment to providing exceptional data and timely delivery solidifies their position as a trusted data partner for Philips Hue’s future endeavors.


If you want a deeper understanding then reach out to us and see how Infodataplace can save you money and increase your revenue