InfoDataPlace company contact database lets you find audience, fast


Business profiles

Infodataplace maintains a database of more than 100 million business profiles (contacts), a number that continues to grow on a daily basis. Our contact database is global, highly accurate, and ranges from B2B enterprises to one-man shows.


Decision makers email addresses

Over 70 million decision makers' email addresses are available in our database of the most sought-after prospects. Keep your CRM up-to-date and send prospect outreach emails with our verified email addresses.


Decision makers direct dials

Providing access to over 50 million direct dials for B2B decision makers, InfoDataPlace enables you to identify and reach your most unreachable prospects. Avoid ghosting prospects on your social media networks. Info Data Place lets you connect with prospects, no matter where they are working from.


Full companies profiles

It doesn’t matter if you know the company you’d like to reach out to, or if you haven’t yet discovered them. With a database of over 35 million full company profiles, Infodataplace allows you to find and connect with your future customers.

Here’s why you’ll love our data

InfoDataPlace Is unique

InfoDataPlace acquires its data from a variety of sources, including public databases, government data sources, Research on Demand, social media feeds, InfoDataPlace data partners and various other networks.


Over 90% accuracy rate

While industry standards are generally between 70-90%, InfoDataPlace provides a striking 90% data accuracy rate, to ensure highly accurate outreach. Test drive InfoDataPlace data for yourself, with free samples (no monthly commitment).


GDPR Aligned and CCPA Compliant

InfoDataPlace data meets industry standards, compliant with CCPA and GDPR aligned File Number: 45734224 . Ensure you’re prospecting with total peace of mind.


Third-party validated

Our database also has a rigorous verification process, a community of data analysts who manually verify the accuracy and submit updated data. Additionally, Info Data Place rectify modules allow us to perform checks-and-balances, ensuring that our data remains accurate and current.


Full name

Full name of contact

First name

First name of contact

Last name

Last name of contact

Middle name

Middle name of contact

Organization name

Employer name of contact

Job title

Contact’s title at given company


Contact’s seniority at given company


Standardized role based on job title


List of contact’s accurate emails


List of contact’s accurate phone numbers


Contact’s current country values


Contact’s current state values


Company name


Description of company


Company’s website domain

Homepage URL

Company’s website URL value

Founded year

Year company was founded in

Logo URL

Link to company’s logo file

Facebook link

Link to company’s Facebook page

Twitter link

Link to company’s Twitter page

LinkedIn link

Link to company’s LinkedIn page

Company Location

Company’s headquarters address


Company’s headquarters country

Country code

Company’s headquarters country code


Company’s headquarters state

State code

Company’s headquarters state code


Company’s headquarters region


Company’s headquarters city


Company’s headquarters street

Zip code

Company’s headquarters zip code

Company contact phone

Official ‘Contact Us’ phone number

Industry tags

List of company’s vertical descriptors

Industry category groups

List of the company’s industry groups

Industry primary group

Primary industry group from categories

Company Number of Employees

Bucketed employee ranges for company

Company Revenue Range

Revenue ranges for company

Company Key People List

List of Decision Makers


If you want a deeper understanding then reach out to us and see how Infodataplace can save you money and increase your revenue